Five ways to prevent email from monopolizing your life

Five ways to prevent email from monopolizing your life
نشر في : 31 May 2022

Five ways to prevent email from monopolizing your life

five Ways to keep emails from seizing your lifeYour email might be the cause of your work burnout.

Dr. Douglas LaBier, head of the Center for Progressive Development, asserts that incessant work emails can lead to burnout in the office and are a symptom of a larger problem with workplace culture:

Continual emails are yet another indicator of a dysfunctional workplace culture, which indicates mentally unhealthy management methods, such as an inability to achieve by exercising openness and a lack of support for the continuous development and learning of skills, talents, and inventiveness.

The result is workplace burnout, which induces stress, rage, diminished motivation, and melancholy.

If you are also feeling overloaded with emails at work, consider the advice of these experts on combating burnout:

Reconsider your preferences

Dr. Gail Kinman, a professor of occupational health psychology at the University of Bedfordshire, advises that we reconsider how we use email. Do after-work emails upset you, or do you like to work at this time? When you are aware of what irritates you and your preferences, it is simple to create a strategy that meets your needs.

Control the expectations of others

You can discontinue sending nighttime emails, but you cannot discontinue receiving them. When you do not answer quickly, you may worry that your coworkers will perceive you as disinterested or sluggish.

Kinman proposes controlling others' expectations by setting email notifications that indicate when you'll check your inbox, such as 'in the morning when you get up' or 'at 4.30 p.m.' and sticking to this schedule.

No emails while on holiday

Do not reduce the quality of your trip by checking your email. Kinman advises not checking email on vacations, nights, and weekends. Vacations are about relaxation.

Stick to standardized email etiquette

Others may have distinct email preferences from your own. Kinman suggests that sending an email to someone on a Sunday morning may cause them more stress, even if you do not expect a response until the following workday.

Kinman recommends that managers and staff request email etiquette and management training from their businesses so that everyone adheres to the same norms.

Adopt a routine

The author of "Under New Management," David Burkus, stated in his book the answers to difficulties with incessant work emails. He claims that email may be a detrimental diversion from interpersonal interactions. He recommends logging out before returning home.

Burkus recommends guarding your core hours. Turn off the Internet at work to concentrate on things that require concentration and produce job value. Preserve time with family and friends at home in order to replenish and unwind.