According to Julie Sweet, how you compose emails may harm your career.

According to Julie Sweet, how you compose emails may harm your career.
نشر في : 31 May 2022

According to Julie Sweet, how you compose emails may harm your career.

Julie Sweet, CEO of Accenture's North America, a $16 billion company with over 50,000 employees, believes that the way you send emails may harm your career.

Of course, she is aware about the essential business abilities.

Julie Sweet says how you write emails can hurt your career

Sweet believes that investing in strong communication skills, both in person and in writing, such as via email, is the finest investment for a professional.
She goes on to say that many underestimate the importance of investing in communication skills, which are essential for job advancement.
Bosses are aware of whether or not their staff communicate well.
According to Sweet, employees who send concise and to-the-point emails are rewarded, while those who do not may lose their job opportunities. Sweet claims that she trains every year to enhance her speaking abilities.
Experts advise you to follow the following guidelines to improve your communication skills:

  • Sit or stand up straight when speaking.
  • Don't talk too rapidly or too loudly.
  • Take notes before you talk to help you arrange your thoughts.
  • Keep your email messages brief and to the point.